Thursday, March 22, 2012

MY FIRST DATE. Marc F. (1r batx A)

I first saw her in a sunny day of June. She was swimming in the big Atlantic Ocean and sun had woken up that day only to illuminate her green eyes getting out of the blue density. She stood up looking to the horizon, like a fallen angel from heaven trying to distinguish home in the distance. I had to talk to her, that is what I told myself, but speaking to an angel is not any easy.

My eyes had taken a photograph, and that photo was her standing by the sea.  Unexpectedly I saw her again in a little restaurant in a remote street of a remote village, alone, drinking a Martini and dressing a red frock which made her curves a sinuous way to heaven. Chopin’s Nocturne was sounding, creating a peaceful and calmed atmosphere I am not able to describe. The lights had conspired with her to make me believe I was dreaming.

That was the moment. She glanced me and smiled gently; I did the same or I tried so. I approached to her trying to transmit the security that I did not have. Once in front, I asked her if she was alone and if I could accompany her all along the evening. Fortunately she answered me she would be very happy to have dinner with me, as she was alone. That was not the answer I expected. “Sorry, I am waiting for my boyfriend”, it was definitely what anyone would have expected from such a beautiful girl.

We started a conversation which seemed not to have an end. We both loved Schubert, Neruda and Pavese. She was having a gap year to write her first book and I was there to love her, not for a long time.

In the middle of the night she told me I should forget her as fast as I had fallen in love with her. Next morning she had gone back to heaven and I went directly to hell.
I still remember her unique smile and her honey lips. Now that reality, which seemed to be a dream, is a dream. And now reality is hard to stand without her, without a guide in the night, without that angel looking to the horizon in a sunny day of June that stole my heart and flew away.

Marc Flores, 1st BATX A

MY FIRST DATE. Jennifer B. (1r batx A)

Before talking about this topic I have to confess one thing: I have never had a date. Well, probably it is because now nobody talks about first dates... I mean, our first date maybe is the first time we meet only with the person who we like. And, if we are lucky and we are brave, when the date finishes we can call this person our couple.
Probably, my first date was in summer. It was on the 1st of July with a boy that doesn’t want to reveal his name (but I can say to you that he isn’t in the school). So, it was a sunny afternoon and I was late to the date. When I picked him up, we went for a walk in Can Fabra. We were very hot (don’t jump to conclusions, please) and he invited me to a fantastic chocolate ice cream. Then, we sat on the floor front in front and we talked while we ate our ice creams. I am a very slowly person eating ice creams, because I want to enjoy a lot the ice cream. For this reason he laughed, and in this moment, I fell in love with him.

As you can see with a few lines I have explained to you “my first date”. It wasn’t spectacular like in films, probably you didn’t like it. In my opinion, you only need a good company to have a fantastic day and experiences, isn’t it?

I have to confess that I have more dates with this boy who now is my boyfriend. In the other dates we have seen films, we have gone to the cinema, to the beach, we have ridden both a bike, we walked through parks, we have smiled and laughed a lot, we have painted umbrellas and lots of different things. After the first date, we had fallen in love. But I didn’t go out with him until September and now we are very happy. (It’s curious because he didn’t use any of the techniques of flirting that we read in class!)  

Jennifer Benito
1r batx A  

MY FIRST DATE. Cristina D. (1r batx A)


The boy I first went with on a date in my life was from my school. We started talking because my best friend always loved him and she asked me to talk to him about her. I did this but after some time talking he admitted that he was feeling something by someone who was not her. I tried to find out who he was talking about and I realized that he was referring to me! At first I couldn’t believe that, but when he convinced me I started to be worried about my friend. I thought that the best was telling her about what happened. She now says she felt hurt, but in that moment she looked as if she didn’t mind. I didn’t know how to act because I didn’t really like him, but with time he started flirting with me and I felt for him.
All our “love” conversations were just through Messenger. At school we didn’t even look, as if we had never talked before. One day, also by MSN, of course, he asked me out. I was really surprised and I told him it wasn’t logical to have a relation just by the Ethernet, so I told him if he wanted to be with me, he had to meet me and prove his love. He accepted and I felt stupid because I didn’t think I was ready to meet him but I had already asked him to have a date!
Now I feel amazed because I’m realizing I remember my first date more than I thought. I know it was not probably a serious date as it could be if we had been older, but at my age of 14 I felt as if it was the most important meeting in my life. When the day arrived I dressed in my favorite clothes and I tried for first time to make myself up. He would be waiting for me at the doorway of my house at 5.00 p.m. and I think was the only day I was exactly punctual (I use to arrive 5 minutes late everywhere less at school). Going down in the elevator I worried about if he was going to stand me up, but once down I saw he had also been punctual. I believe he wanted to see me as well I wanted to see him.
We started walking and talking about school, classmates, homework… we seemed like best friends! We made a walk and on the way to return home, he took my hand. Suddenly I shut up and we walked just in silence. It was really uneasy but fortunately he found something to break the glass and we started talking again. Once we arrived home (he accompanied me), I don’t know how we ended face to face. Everytime closer and closer, so he finally kissed me. I felt over the moon. Since that day we had more dates and we proved each other our love everyday and everywhere during two years. I thought it would be for ever because he also made me think this.
Nowadays, I still remember him and I will always do it. Not probably his voice, not probably his lips, but I will never forget our first date. 

Cristina Doral Marín
1r batx A

UNITED KINGDOM. Primary Education


We have finished this work about U.K
Today we have explained it at class.

Here you can see some photos. Enjoy them!

                   Anna Díez, Marc Malaguilla ( 6è A )

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

PROCRASTINATION. Sandra D. (2n Batx B)

Everyone procrastinates. We put things off because we do not want to do them, or because we have too many other things (more important or interesting from our point of view) to do. Putting things off (big or small) is part of being human. However, the fact that we procrastinate does not mean we are inefficient. Procrastinating is a bad habit produced by our vagrancy. And we can change it with effort.

It is said everybody can get all they want working and being constant on it. In other words: everybody can fight for their dreams. What’s more, everybody must do it, because each of us should have an objective on our life (more or less clear) for begin a long trip: the trip of our life.

It begins with a single step. Not only do you have to start with this step, but you must carry on your way, building it inch by inch. Procrastinating should not stop you. Everybody can experience the pleasure of not being on time once, because sometimes relaxing is positive, but should not fall into this trap twice.

I would like to conclude by saying that a journey of a thousand km begins with a single step, as the Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu said, so we must start walking without stopping, with a fix direction, and I am sure someday we will get our objectives and, with them, the searched happiness.

Sandra Díaz
2n Batx B

PROCRASTINATION. Sergio C. (2n Batx B)

4th of March, Sunday. Right now I’m writing a composition for  Wednesday’s English class. It’s obvious that this is not a procrastination act, because I am not not leaving  homework for the day before bringing them to class. But, procrastination, from my point of view is a very common act in students from our present-day society.

So, why? Probably there is no excuse for boys and girls who are studying in ESO or lower levels, because it’s not so hard as it can be in “batxillerat” (BTX). When you are in ESO, you have normal levels of homework and normal levels for things to study, but in “batxillerat”, things change a lot… in “batxillerat”, all students are supposed to study every day and do everything perfectly, and this is impossible. From my personal experience, during these two exhausting years of  “batxillerat” I’ve been studying not very important things, for me. When we passed from ESO to “batxillerat” school made us choose what we wanted to study, to make our subjects more related to things we are going to study in university. But this is not an excuse… We are in “batxillerat”. So, I would like to difference people who don’t work because they are very lazy and people, like me, who work at different levels, depending on the subject, because we are not motivated at the same level or we don’t like some of them.

It is very easy to talk about students who only want to sleep and play, it’s the best excuse that people with no knowledge about students give. So, I would like to ask them not to talk about what they don’t know, because they damage us, seriously.

So, to finish, procrastination is something which confuses people in general and students specifically. Of course we leave some things for the last moment, but that’s why, in the most of the cases, we don’t enjoy what we are doing.

 Sergio Cantero
2n batx B

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

PROCRASTINATION. Alba T. (2n batx B)

Who has never said or listened the sentence: “I’ll do it later” or “I’ll do it tomorrow”? Nowadays, unfortunately, it is often said that despite the amount of work that we have, a large number of people prefer to wait until the last moment to do it.

First of all, it is important to say that procrastination is directly related to bad organization and laziness. There is no denying that sometimes we prefer to do other activities such as meeting our friends, surfing the internet or playing a sport rather than meeting your obligations. But it is useful for us to do always what we want? Probably it is quite the opposite.

In addition to this, it must be taken into account that good organization lets you do all the activities that you like. There is time for everything, but we must be able to prioritize and distinguish between our obligations and our hobbies. In my particular case, although I have a lot of homework and I have to study for the exams, I always find time to do a break and do something to disconnect of the routine.

Personally, I don’t agree with the idea that studying is hard and boring. If someday I don’t feel like studying, a sentence comes to my mind: Why have you been studying for during those last five years? And the answer is simple and clear: because I want to achieve my personal dream, I want to study medicine and become a doctor. When it happens, all my laziness disappears.

To sum up, I would like to conclude by saying that, if you have a goal, it doesn’t matter if it is easy or difficult to achieve it. The only one that can stop your way is yourself. So if you want to take benefit of life and do whatever you wish… do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today!

      Alba Trepat
      2n Batxillerat B 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

PROCRASTINATION. Javier G. (2n batx B)

Nowadays, procrastination is believed to be one of the less important problems in our life. This fact affects specially to young people because of the great amount of work they need to do at home. They must value which thing they are going to do first and which will be the last one, so it is very easy for them to fall in procrastination. However, the main question is if it is a minor problem or it is in fact as harmful as other bad habits.
On the one hand, it is true that we left some things thinking of doing them later, but we finally do them later. As a consequence, the only variation in the task is the time we finish it. In addition, it is amply known that relaxing yourself before working helps you to concentrate in your task properly.
On the other hand, procrastination can make you start your work too later to do it correctly. Moreover, you would not be able to finish it on time if you wait too much. As a result, the quality of the tasks done is lower and some basic actions, such as sleeping, are replaced with the compulsory things we must complete.
To sum up and as far as I am concerned, I would like to conclude by saying that procrastinating has more negative effects than positive. So we can consider it another bad habit we must erase from our life to make it more comfortable and productive.

Javier González Prieto
2n Batx B

PROCRASTINATION. Xavier M. (2n batx B)

First of all, a procrastinator is a lazy person who never does anything and who is always leaving work for the previous day before delivering it.

I actually know lots of procrastinators whose name I’m not going to say and surelly I include myself into this very big group of people whose number of members is increasing. I include myself basically in one way: when I have to study. I always study at the last moment, I mean like a week before the exams. In fact I know that what I do is wrong because my mind is always telling me: “Start studying. Exams are coming and you will not have time to prepare them right”. But I do never take notice.

From my point of view, procrastination needs ending because it would make people’s life easier and better. One time Pep Guardiola said: “Si ens aixequem ben d’hora i treballem sense retrets som un país imparable”. He meant if we work harder than we do now, we would arrive very far!

So I would like to conclude by encouraging all those procrastinators I’m included in and giving them power to work hardly because if they work hard, at the end they would see their dreams come true.

                                                           Xavier Martínez Abós
                                                                                              2nd BTX (B)

PROCRASTINATION. Daniel F. (2n batx B)


The world didn’t begin in one day, and nowadays we are how we are thanks to people who hadn’t been procrastinating during their lives. We have a history which can tell us a lot of examples. Did philosophers give up their theories when they couldn’t find the missing piece of the puzzle? No, they didn’t, because they were thinking and thinking until they succeeded, and they achieved their goals, because thanks to their mind the society has been growing up a little better, and they tried to explain the big questions of life. Some of these questions seemed to be unanswered, but they went further than other people because they had never procrastinated even when they could leave off this hard way of living.

Another example is the revolutionaries that have lived since then. If they hadn’t fought for a new chance and equality, we wouldn’t be as good as we are now. Our present-day society is very young, because looking back only one hundred years ago or a little more, Spain was still trafficking with the black people of Africa. Many people might have thought that this was not their war and live without thinking about it, leaving this trouble in other hands while they were only procrastinating. If we look into the whole history of the humanity, we could see that there were a lot of people who lost their lives defending their values, and they didn’t let it for the next day.

It’s said that procrastination is not too bad and everybody does it, but it’s not an excuse. It’s not about doing a lot of things always without having a relax to be the opposite of procrastinator, but obviously spending a whole day sitting on the sofa or in the chair in front of the computer is not a good way to make something profitable with our lives. If we work with effort, we will have good results soon or later, and our passage through life will have been profitable and perhaps our dreams might be true one day. But dreams will never get accomplished if we sit on the sofa and we look our life wasting without doing anything interesting.

Daniel Fernández
2n batx B

PROCRASTINATION. Cristina E. (2n Batx A)

First of all and to begin with, nowadays there are a lot of people who don’t know what procrastination means, but most of them are procrastinators. Procrastinating is the action that means to postpone or replace high-priority actions with actions of lower priority.
One the one hand, procrastinators know perfectly what they have to do, but they always make up some excuse. Owing to the fact that the activity can seem difficult, procrastinators feel scared or lazy to do it, naturally.

On the other hand, although my mother always says to me: Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today”, I have to accept that I’m sometimes a procrastinator because I’m very indecisive and I want to do lots of works but I don’t know how I can do them or how I should start to do them.On balance, I would like to conclude by saying that I always try to improve my studies and I solve my mistakes. Thus I set out to use time efficiently seeing that there’s no time for procrastination.

Cristina Espallargas
2n Batx. A


Do you know what PROCRASTINATION means? We had been working with it at tutoria and our 2n batx students have written about it.

If you look at the BLOG  BATX A TOTES  you'll find a Power Point about it.

Come on, do not procrastinate any more!!!

Lurdes P.

Friday, March 16, 2012

COOKING CLASS. Gerard LL., Éric B. and Pol M. (3r ESO A)

WOULD YOU LIKE SOME FISH??  Then, you can't miss this video. We are sure you'll have lots of fun!
With Gerard Lluís, Éric Bosch and Pol Moreno (3r ESO A)

COOKING CLASS. Ramsés M. and Ricard C. (3r ESO A)

This time not one but three recipes...
by Ramsés Martínez and Ricard Cabezas (3r ESO A)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

COOKING CLASS. Abril R. , Judith F. and Judit S. (3r ESO A)


COOKING CLASS. Marta B., Maria B. and Paula P. (3r ESO C)

Maria Bayona, Marta Bort and Paula Prado (3r ESO C)

COOKING CLASS. David C. and Pau B. (3r ESO C)

COOKING PANCAKES with Pau Barnils and David Cantero (3r ESO C)

COOKING CLASS. Roger P. and Alex Diaz (3r ESO A)

HOW TO MAKE A FLAN. By Alex Diaz and Roger Poquet (3r ESO A)


This time we have changed writing by acting!
Our fantastic 3r ESO reporters have recorded new videos... what about? This was COOKING time!
They were asked to decide a meal to cook, write down the ingredients and the recipe, find a kitchen and ... start cooking!!!
The result? Simply delicious!!! 
So, just for your... ENJOY YOUR MEAL!!!

Lurdes P. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

24h with ... Elisa P. (3r ESO A)

I want to spend 24 hours with my incredible, favourite actor, handsome Taylor Lautner!
I met him on 16th of November at the premiere of Breaking Dawn Part -1. It was amazing because he said hello and he dedicated his best smile with his white teeth to us (I was with my friends).
He is from the United States and his 20 years. He became famous with the Twilight Saga, with his performance as Jacob Black (In the film I hate it! I’m from Edward team). He has got other films like Abduction (An excellent film too).
I think that he is a great actor and a very cheerful person. I love dreaming with him. One day, I dreamed that I went to the MTV movie awards and Taylor Lautner, Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson sat next to me! I hope it was true!
Oh! Sorry Lurdes I haven’t said anything about the photo! Well, I think that you don’t know that I’m very famous in USA, so Taylor is my fan number one, he is always sending letters to me, because he wants T-shirts with my face! He is a bit annoying.
The conclusion: I’m fan of my fans!

Elisa Pérez Medina
3r ESO A

Thursday, March 8, 2012

UNITED KINGDOM ( 6è Primary)

Hello again !

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom. 
We are working in groups to learn and know more about these countries: culture, citizens, landscapes, music…
That’s the process. Just a bit of patience and you could see the results.

6è A, B, C

24h with ... Judit S. (3r ESO A)

If I have to choose someone with whom to spend a day, maybe he will be my brother.
Sometimes I hate him but I know that in the deep I love him, so this is why I will choose Jordi. Because he is someone who has more or less my age and who knows more about me. Maybe he's the person with who I will live more moments and I want to dedicate one day to him.
First I will get up early, then I will wake him up and we will have breakfast together. In the morning we could go to places where we went when we were children and remember old times and feel like when we were kids.
In the midday, I will let him choose the place where we go to have lunch.
In the afternoon we will go to the nearest shopping center because I want to give him a surprise. This day I will be very generous! One day is one day, it is special. He deserves this and more.
For the ending of the afternoon we could go to the beach and look to the sunset and never forget that moment.
At  night we will go home to have dinner with our parents, our lovely parents!

Judit Soriano
3r ESO A

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

24h. with ... Mireia B. (3r ESO C)

If I could stay with a special, famous or family person, I want to stay with my grand mum because I’ve never met her and I don’t know a lot of things about her. I want to stay with her to learn more things and have a very great time.
First of all, I will want to talk about her and learn more things. I will ask her where she lived, how her infancy was, who her friends were, which the most special moment for her live was, how she met my granddad… I have a lot of questions for her!
After it, we will go to funny place, to the cinema or to the park. We will have a great time and moments.
Then we will go to my house and stay with my mother, my father and my sister. They will be very happy if they could stay with her! Later we will eat in my house and we will stay there two or three ours having a great time.
After, we will go to the centre of Barcelona and walk at the same time of talking and having a great time. We will resort all the historic and old streets of Barcelona and my mother and grand mum will remember years ago when I wasn’t born and my mother wasn’t marry my father.
After it, we will have the dinner and we will talk all the rest of the night.

Mireia Buxaderas Pérez
3r d’ESO C

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

24h with ... Maria B. (3r ESO C)

If I could spend 24 hours with someone it will be my little cousin, Pol. He’s 3 years old, he’s a little bit shy but so cheerful.

I’d start with a good breakfast in my house, with toasts, cereals, milk, fruit, chocolate, cookies and some muffins; he loves muffins!                         

Then I would go with him to the park because there aren’t other places where my cousin enjoys playing the most; with the slide, the swings and the sand.

After going to the park I’d do some puzzles or I’d play a game in the garden. Sure we’d be hungry so next we would have dinner, maybe pasta or meat (because my cousin is a little bit special with the food, he doesn’t like many meals).

In the afternoon, I would take him to the zoo, he hasn’t been to the zoo, so I think he’d like to see animals and give them food. First we’d go to see the elephants or the giraffes because he loves big animals, then we’d go to visit the hippo and the dolphins’ show, (there we’d have a snack) I think he likes aquatic animals and he’d enjoy the show. We would stay in the zoo until 7:30 pm or 8 pm.
When we arrived at my home he’d be tired so I’d give him a light dinner and then I’d let him sleep until his parents come and take him to his house.
I am sure it would be a perfect day!

Maria Bayona
3r ESO C

24h. with ... Nerea F. (3r ESO C)

Who will you spend 24 h with?
This question makes you think. I  have chosen between my grandpa, and myself when I was a child. As a lot of people, maybe chose their parents I have chosen myself.

Think about one moment, if you can return to the past to see yourself, what would you say?

In my case, I would say a lot of things, I would play with that child a lot of hours, I would laugh with her a lot, and I would ask her that she  gave me her most smile of happiness and sincere, and never lose that, because it is her most treasure, but I would never tell her to change anyhing, because I love my past, because without it, I am not what I am, I don’t meet a lot of persons, and I haven’t got the friends that I have. Because I love my present, because it would be  worse, and because I need to know my future and meet my destiny.

I would say about all, she has to be the happiest  possible bacause life is four days and goes too fast, and when you see the present and you are realist, you are in third of ESO, and life is more difficult , and you have a lot of problems , and when you were six, didn’t exist.

And I would say her  one more thing;
’’Nerea, when you decide to abandond,
remember why you are fighting for’’

Nerea Ferreiro
3r ESO C

24h. with ... Paula P. (3r ESO C)

24 hours with Pep Guardiola

One of a lot of my wishes is spending 24 hours (a day) with Pep Guardiola because he is a man worthy to know. Pep Guardiola is the coach of the best club of football in the world. He’s a person who, all the people speak very well about, he’s generous, confident, sympathetic, really serious and in general an excellent person. Now, it’s the moment to pass 24 hours with him, come on!

The day doesn’t start very well, because we get up at 8:00h, it’s very soon, but after, we are going to the kitchen, in that, we have the breakfast ready. We have breakfast and immediately, we are going to have a shower in different bathrooms, when we finish, we are going to the bedroom, here, we have dressed and then when we are ready, we going to train with old the team (FCB), the train starts at 10:00h, and finishes at 13:00h.

After the training with all the team, we are going to the press conference, in that, he answers old the questions and then we are going to the wardrobe with all the team, here, he talks with the team, and when he finishes, we return at home. Then we are going to pick up children at school and go at home, to have dinner. We return with the children to school and go home, in that, we have a nap for one hour, and then we are going to a conference, here, Pep makes an advertisement about NIKE. When we finish, we return home.

When we arrive home, we stay with Pep’s family and we play a game with his woman and his children. Then we eat rice with chicken. When we finish we watch the TV and at 11:20h we are going to the bedroom, there, we sleep.

Paula Prado
3r ESO C

24h. with ... Marta B. (3r ESO C)

Today, we are going to be 24 hours take caring  of a baby. My friend has left me, ten minutes ago, his daughter and I have to take care of her, until tomorrow. It will be difficult, but I will obtain it.
It's 9 o’clock of the morning and Jane, the baby, has to have his breakfast. It consists of a pap of cereals. I begin to give one spoon, two, three... This baby eats a lot! We have finished very fast! Now we are playing with some toys that she has got. It’s a beautiful girl. I want to shoot a video with her faces, they are very strange!
It’s 12 o’clock. It’s the time to have lunch. She has lunch, a vegetable puree. I think she will not like this. When I approach one spoon of puree she turns her face and doesn’t eat. It’s more difficult than the breakfast. She has finished the lunch with puree in her face... I can relax some minutes because she is sleeping!!!
It’s 6 o’clock we are playing with her toys again but, I must change her diaper because it sucks! I’m continuing shooting the video.
It’s 9 o’clock, it’s the time to have a shower. It’s very, very, very funny! She splashes the water for the entire bathroom, but she laughs a lot and I feel happy too. It’s being easier that I thought. She has dinner very fast too, because I prepared her favourite meal again: pap of cereals!
I’m surprised because she sleeps quickly, and she hasn’t cried too.
Finally! She is sleeping I can see my favourite film on TV, there appears Mario Casas! :)
I think that I will ask if I can take care of Jane again! I love her

Marta Bort
3r ESO C

24 hours with ...

Who would you like to spend 24 hours with? Imagine you could choose anyone, famous or unknown, dead or alive, a singer, a politician, an actor or actress, an inventor, a scientist... or maybe a member of your family you have not known... difficult, isn't it?
That was the topic of the last composition of our 3rd ESO students... Here you can read some of their writings. Enjoy it!

Lurdes P.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

THE FONIX 2012. Regional Stage

The Regional Stage of the Fifth English Competition for Catalan Schools (The Fonix 2012) has taken place this morning in Barcelona.

We want to congratulate the participants of our school: Joan Jiménez, Elias Labrador, Carles Bada, Àlex Díaz, Paula Granado, Guillem Lluís and Alba Trepat and we wish them all the best!

We'll keep you informed!