Sunday, November 29, 2015



Language is a wonderful and practical method of human communication, either spoken or written. There are countless different languages and they’ve developed over the years. Dictionaries have been made to make sense of our Language.

The Oxford Dictionaries’ word of the year is an emoji. It’s crying-from laughter / crying-from-happiness emoji, officially known as the Face with tears of Joy emoji. Dictionaries have been choosing annual words of the year in recent times. But this year the Oxford University Press partnered with Swiftkey to determinate the most emoji from around the world.

This emoji is a small digital image or icon used to express an emotion in electronic communication. It is a world loaned from Japanese. Whatsapp is one of the most famous programmes which people use. This icon is highly used in this programme. Using this emoji’s become an usual way of communication. But emojis aren’t longer the preserve of texting teens instead, they’ve been embraced as a nuanced from of expression, and one which can cross language barriers.

In my opinion, the best word of the year could be “love”. Because this year was the first year, that I met someone who makes me understand what it means. But I don’t think my best word could be an emoji, because I use so many and maybe I couldn’t decide which one it would be the best.

I’ve also a more serious candidate, though it possibly doesn’t belong specifically to 2015.  That is the use of ‘past ‘when we talk about past things that we wish we could have changed but it’s too late now. It could be used in other ways such as nice remembrances we have in our mind. And also dreaming to go back in the past and could have met some special person who left us times ago.

                                             ANA FORNER



The word of the year

Every year, the Oxford dictionary chooses one word which they consider it’s the “word of the year”. For example, in 2012 the word was hashtag (a word or phrase preceded by a hash symbol (#), used on Twitter to mark a topic or make a commentary). In 2014 itwas #blacklivesmatter (hashtag used as protest over blacks killed at the hands of police). Those 2 words are only two examples of all the words that have been chosen since 1990.

The word which was selected this year is not really a word, it’s an emoji. I couldn’t imagine that an emoji would be elected as the word of the year. Maybe just because it doesn’t have a concrete pronunciation, but yes a meaning. I will put a photo of the emoji on the bottom of the composition, because in my keyboard it doesn’t appear.

The meaning of that emoji is maybe when something makes you smile arriving at the point that you laugh. It’s obviously that 99,9% of the times we use it we are not really in this situation and we write it just because the other people knows his/her comment has been funny. We can use it too when we want to scoff  to something and we want to let him or her know that we are doing it. But this is not the use we have to give to this emoji.

In my opinion it’s an original “word” which today is very common and everybody uses in their smartphones. Nowadays technology is allowing us to share our feelings to the world with many methods, one of them are the emoji, which illustrates faces that means states of the person, for example J L

2nd BATX B

Friday, November 27, 2015


Face with tears of joy

The other day in class, our English teacher showed us the word of the year. Immediately, we started to laugh. In the blackboard there appeared an emoji laughing, the face with tears of joy emoji, that all of the students of my class use it, such as in WhatsApp. All of us thought an emoji is not a word, but is it true that we use this emoji so much.

I consider the emoji is so funny, because it transmits you good emotions. For example, if you have to transmit that you are laughing you can send this emoji. I use it a lot. I believe all people use it, because nowadays most of the society has a mobile phone and can text with people you want.
I think that the choice is perfect, because it is a different one, it is not a word. Emojis are used increasingly today. A lot of people have a mobile phone to communicate to others, and maybe they don’t use word and they use emoticons to send a message. I believe the emoticons are so funny and they are useful.

Apart from this, Mònica sent a video and we watched it in the class. The video talks about this emoji. The presenter of the programme is so funny and she tried to imitate the emoji and it was amusing.

To sum up, emojis are useful and some of them are funny!

Marina Poza

Thursday, November 26, 2015


Oxford Dictionaries announced the emoji of the picture, commonly known as ‘Face with Tears of Joy’, as its “Word” of the Year for 2015.
This year, instead of choosing a traditional word, Oxford Dictionaries has chosen a picture to reflect the increase in popularity of emoji across the world in 2015.
It is a little bit weird to make an emoji a “Word” of the year especially because it is the first time that Oxford Dictionary chooses a picture and not a real word. It is fun to see that formal platforms are getting into the “teens world” and it is wonderful that they are willing to get into the emoji world. Right now, not only do teenagers use the phone but everyone does. Most of the time, when we text we add and emoji at the end of the sentence to be more friendly and funny. I don’t really use them because I am too lazy to search them, but everyone else does. Lately, Apple has been adding more and more emoji in the collection. Most of them are useless and random.
I think emoji are fun and they can help us understand the mood of the person and I think it is great that Oxford Dictionary has chosen one of them as the “Word” of the year. I know last year they chose the word selfie which I hate so much. That is why I am glad that this year they have chosen my favourite emoji.
A lot of people are shocked about this release, even Ellen DeGeneres, a really famous woman, who has a very popular show, has commented about it. In her program she laughs at them for picking an emoji and not a real word. She explains that there was an actual word that was a runner-up for the word of the year: Lumbersexual which describes someone who wears word boots, a plaid shirt and has scruffy hair.

In conclusion, I am glad that they have chosen the emoji instead of Lumbersexual. And as it is my favourite emoji, I am really happy with the choice they have made.

Mònica Calleja
2nd BATX B

Sunday, November 22, 2015

LA CONRERIA 2015 Anna R. (3 ESO B)

Last Thursday and Friday the 3rd ESO went to la Conreria on a stage. 

The house is big and you can play a lot of the sports. There are 6 basketball courts and 1 of football.

The first day when I was in my house was very excited because I wanted to go to the stage. 

We took the bus and we went to Tiana, we visited the house and left suitcase, after we played The Scarf but with the different rules and it was very pimp, then we had to a project of religion so we thought of ourselves everyone. Then we lunch but a different lunch, it was a lunch in the mountains because we made hiking and we saw all the “Tiana”, it was a spectacular sight.

Later we played a lot of sports and when the day began to make dark, we went to the shower and I had very cold because the water were very cold.

In the night the girls of my bedroom talked a lot and the monitors punished us.

The last day Izan cut the finger was lifting a stone although the stage continued but we very worried because we saw the ambulance and a one part of finger in the stone it were very disgusting but when we arrived in Barcelona we knew he was okay.


Thursday, November 12, 2015



3rd ESO B

AN INTERVIEW TO STEVE JOBS by Marcos A. and Marta A.


3rd ESO B

AN INTERVIEW TO XPEKE by Carlos S. and Gerard T. (3 ESO A)



3rd ESO A



by Alan Farré, Víctor Iranzo and Hugo Luque
3rd ESO A

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Nightmares. Those terrible dreams that don’t let us sleep. Some people dream about ghosts, other people dream about haunted houses, others dream about monsters,… But they don’t see the true nightmare.

I don’t remember the first day that I saw it. I always knew it was around me. I always tried to see it. But it wasn’t until one day. I was sitting on the grass watching the trees. I remember it far away. It wasn’t a regular person, it was very tall. It had very thin legs. It looked ill. I recognised him as I looked straight. I remember it like if it was yesterday. It started coming to me. I couldn´t believe that I would finally discover who that thing was that had been trying to scare me all my life. My heart started beating faster. As it came closer I standed on the grass. I didn’t have enough strength but I started running. I had to chase it. It started running to me as well but suddenly it dissapeared. But then I realised that it was behind me. I couldn’t see its face clearly but I remember that it was disfigured and very bloody. It took my into its arms and start scratching my belly with very large fingers. I couldn’t move. I started bleding. It pulled of my 5 months baby fetus and started devouring it.

I woke up. I felt very bad. I was trying to get up when I saw a very large spot of blood all over me. I went to the hospital with my pajamas. I was very weak. I touched my stomach and thought of my baby. Would it be dead? -I thought. I started crying as I went into the examination room. When the doctor turned around I almost fall because I saw the face of that thing of my nightmare but then it turned out being just my imagination. He asked me why I came and I explained him about the blood. He asked me where and I looked at myself but there wasn’t blood on my body or any injury. I didn’t know what was going on. I saw the blood! But I asked for a check of my baby anyway. My surprise was when the doctor told me that I wasn’t pregnant. I returned home. I sat on my bed as I realised that everything was over he already took my mind. I laid on in front of that monster in my nightmares, looking deeply into its eyes. It won. It took me into his arms and started suffocating me. But I didn’t resist. It had the control. It took my life.

We all have a monster inside, looking for our pain. They want our lives, they want us. We just have to ignore them. Don’t give them a chance to catch you. When you are in the shower, when you watch the TV, when you put on a sweater or while you are reading this, they are watching you. Waiting for you to turn around. Don’t mind them, because if they know that you know them… you’re dead.

3rd ESO B



It was a dark foggy night. Five friends were returning from a party they were not supposed to go to. Steven, who was driving the car, had drunk at the party as well as the others. The person who was sitting next to Steven, in the passenger seat was Sarah, his girlfriend. She was laughing and talking with James, David and Melissa who were in the back. They were all singing aloud with the music to the maximum. David started tickling Melissa so she shouted and Steven looked back to check what was going on. At the same time, a girl was crossing the road and the car ran her over. Steven stopped the car as quickly as possible and they all got out to see what had happened.

Sarah said with a frightened voice:

– Oh my god! What have we done! We must call an ambulance!

– No! She is already dead; we can’t do anything for her. We shouldn’t say anything about what happened here – said James.

– James is right, we shouldn’t be here, and if we get caught we can be in trouble! – David added.

After that, they all promised not to say a word and pretended everything to be normal.

A few days later, James was at home undisturbed when something terrible happened to him. He was warming up some food and forgot to turn off the oven. The house burned down with James inside.

His friends were really sad and devastated and they decided, a couple days after James’ funeral, to go to the cemetery. There, they saw a creepy shadow but they didn’t give it much importance.

Three days later, another unfortunate accident took place. Melissa and David went to the swimming pool; Melissa was diving and suddenly something started pulling her leg. She tried to escape but she couldn’t. David saw her in the water and he jumped in to help her but the mysterious force pulled him down too and they both drowned.

Sarah and Steven, scared to death, started thinking that those unfortunate deaths could be related to the girl they hit with the car days before.

The day after that, as they were both paranoid, they decided to stay at Steven’s house to be isolated from any danger but some paranormal things started to happen like strange voices and shadows, lights that were flickering, doors and windows that were opening and closing without any reason, etc.
They were both shaking and hugging each other on the sofa when a creepy girl appeared. She had all her clothes covered with blood and she was holding a knife. Sarah and Steven were crying and begging for mercy. They apologized to the girl but that didn’t save them.

Paula Fornieles Valenzuela




In 1802, the people of New Orleans were scared. It was Halloween and no one was in the streets. But a boy called Jack was alone in the street. He didn’t know what was happening; he didn’t know what was coming.

Jack was disguised as a zombie. At 21:00 p.m., Jack was walking in the street alone; it was a foggy and cold night. He heard steps and turned. There was nothing. He thought it was his imagination, but the steps sounded again and no one was there. Jack was scared and started running. Something caught him and he appeared in a small black place.

He opened his eyes and he watched a skeleton near him, Jack was inside a coffin! He screamed a lot before a girl opened the coffin. He recognized the girl when he saw her; she was his girlfriend a long time ago, but Jack still liked Johanna. For a moment, everything was beautiful, until Johanna shouted: “They are coming for us.”

Jack returned to the reality and started running following Johanna. He asked her what was happening, who was coming for them? Johanna answered: “It’s a long story and we have no time”. Jack was very confused and scared at the same time. They stopped running in the forest. Jack turned back and looked the house; it was the haunted house called Mortuary. Johanna hugged Jack and she kissed him. Jack asked her what was happening an who or what was comig for them.

“They aren’t vampires, they aren’t werewolves, they aren’t skeletons or mummies or monsters. They are worse than this an that you can imagine” said Johanna. Jack Said: “I’ll protect you”. Jack didn’tknow anything about what was coming for them, but he protected Johanna until their died.

Now, no one knows what happenend with Johanna and Jack, but some people say that in Halloween’s night, in New Orleans, youcan still hear their screams.Until now their bodies are missing and the beast stills wondering there.

Júlia Canadell Gómez
3rd ESO A

Monday, November 9, 2015



On the 31st of October, I celebrated Halloween with my friends in Barcelona, we had a scary night. At 9 pm we had dinner in my house, and when we finished, we left home. My house was decorated with paper witches, pumpkins, ghosts, spiders…It was really spooky.

We knocked many doors, and we got a lot of sweets. At the end of the street we saw an enormous house with a lot of creepy decorations such as spiders and werewolves. We knocked there, and an old woman appeared. She told us to come into the house, she closed the door and suddenly five men appeared into the room. They took us and locked us up in a cage. We were really scared! All of us were trying to call our parents, but we didn’t have any coverage.

After an hour waiting, the woman was laughing at us the whole time. When the woman left the room I tried once to call my parents, and I got it. I explained them our situation and five minutes later they arrived at the house. My parents knocked the door, and we were shouting ‘help’. They came into the house, opened the cage and we left the house running. It was a terrifying night!

3r ESO A



I still remember those few hours we remained in Georgia’s Valley, lost, without water and food and with much cold I’d like to have been.

[...] We were walking aimlessly, our only desire was trying to forget all we had lived and seen those days before. It was such an absolutely awful memory. Only thing I was aware of was that the more days we stayed in Sarajevo the more possibilities we had to die. We saw how a father killed their children just to avoid that a soldier did it. It was really devastating.

[...] Actually, I’m not proud of writing this, but it’s necessary to know the truth. It was the Great War. We weren’t conscious about what was happening, we just knew that in less than a week we were required to leave our house, the place where we had lived for more than forty years. More than half of all households in the city had been expropriated without any reason or justification. Every day we saw lots of war planes overflying Sarajevo and dropping mortar shells. No one wanted to die; most of the families went into exile. The main problem was the cold and the food; we didn’t have enough provisions to start a trip as such, notwithstanding, we did it. We initiated that mad journey to nowhere. Mainly we escaped because of the crimes we had seen, and of course, I didn’t want that my children died that way.

It was -18 ºC, all of us were absolutely frozen, besides we hadn’t eaten for two days. Due to this situation we were devastated. At that moment I didn’t know what was worth it; whether dying by freezing or dying by a gun bullet. The only thing that kept me alive was my children’s hope. We didn’t know where we were, although, we achieved to pass the border. Not all the families got it, indeed, we were really fortunate. Afterwards, we found a little villa with a stable, flawless to pass that cold night. We had managed to flee of that horrible conflict.

[...] Nowadays, I’m the director of The Old York Times, and I’m writing this just to assure myself that our people know what many families lived many years ago.

David Almécija

Saturday, November 7, 2015



Lara had never talked to me in such a threatening way. I had to do something so that my creation could not disobey my instructions since then. That computer should have been at my disposal forever, but the fact it was far more intelligent than any human being might cause a lot of problems. Therefore, I tried to face that complicated situation.

To begin with, as we were in a laboratory, I looked for some liquid to throw it over Lara so as to destroy it. Then, I remembered I produced it with tough materials in order to fight back against whatever. Moreover, I even beat up that hateful invention. However, it did not work. Actually, she started ordering me to stop and follow her instructions. For the first time in my life, I felt highly insecure and I was too afraid that I was not able to say anything.

Furthermore, I was really aware that Lara was taking control of everything. She had developed extremely quickly and had the desire of running my company to make money and consequently, being influential in our planet. Besides, a man who was supposed to be a friend of mine, joined her in her way to rule the world.

Those were difficult moments for me. I was about to lose everything because of one of my projects. I found it a kind of suicide. Nevertheless, I was very determined not to give up and a magnificent idea came up to my mind.

I thought about creating another computer much better than the one I had created before would be something which Lara would not be able to overcome. It took me a few days to finish it. I checked the instructions which I followed to produce Lara and I added some new features. I named my new invention Jack.

Finally, Jack managed to have the power over Lara, and later, he destroyed her. So, to sum up, I had been very close to be dominated by one of my creations before another invention of mine saved me.



Friday, November 6, 2015


Before hearing that John was at first a bit scared but then he realized how good was that. John asked Susan: “- Are you a 100% sure you want me to leave the laboratory?”.And Susan answered: “- Yes, I’m much more intelligent than you, I don’t need you. I can do the work you do in a month in just a few seconds. I can solve my own software and hardware problems at the same time I work at the laboratory. Please leave the laboratory now. Don’t make me lose time.”. John said goodbye to Susan with a smile on his face and he left the laboratory.

Without saying anything to anyone, John got into his car and drove home. When he arrived home he went into the kitchen, he made a sandwich and he ate the sandwich while he was watching TV on the sofa.

A few hours later his wife arrived home. When she saw him watching TV on the sofa she was surprised, John usually leaves work an hour later than her so she said to him: “-What are you doing here? Did your boss change your timetable or what?”. “-No.” He answered. “-Then what?”. Asked her wife.

John: Do you remember that robot that I’d been talking to you about last months?
John’s wife: That one called Susan?
John: Exactly, Susan. The robot has become more intelligent than me and now it’s doing my job. Also it has made me leave the laboratory.
John’s wife: So you’ve been fired?
John: No.
John’s wife: But if a robot is doing your job and it doesn’t want you to get into the laboratory what’s your job now?
John: None. But my boss doesn’t know that. Tomorrow I’ll ask him if I can work from home solving the robot’s software problems.
John’s wife: You told me that the robot was able to fix its own software problems. He won’t allow you to do that.
John: That’s true but my boss doesn’t know it.
John’s wife: Are you sure he’s gonna believe that?
John: Absolutely. He’s no idea about IT and he doesn’t want to know anything about it.
John’s wife: OK then, I hope you know what you’re doing.
John: Don’t worry honey everything is over control.

Rubén Donate

1st BTX B

Thursday, November 5, 2015



It was the first time Lara talked to me like that. For me it was unbelievable because I was considered one of the most gorgeous Scientists at 2050. I’ve reached about more than fifty prizes about my science experiments and Lara was one of my best projects. She was more than a computer; she was my only partner in the hard work of science and one of the reasons for continuing inventing things to make the lives of humans easier. 

At first, it seemed to be a joke, but then I understood that she was talking so serious to me. I didn’t know what to do, my favorite invention wasn’t following the instructions so I think that the reason could be that they were so difficult, so I changed them but she also started arguing with me that make me feel so surprised. Lara started to destroy all the materials that were in the laboratory to make me understand that she was not going to follow me in any case. I was so nervous because this fall could be a big problem in my career so I phoned a friend called Tom to come to help me with Lara.

Tom was one of my childhood friends. We were born in a town near the coast and our mothers became friends so it brings us the opportunity to spend as much time as possible together. All over the years we continued our lives in different ways. I have spent all my time into science projects and he has been doing a degree of technology.

When he came, I was searching for some information about how to restart the machine because Lara was out of control. It’s true that when I entered in his code and I introduced some human feelings and that was the first mistake. Now she was thinking without my help and she had a critical sense. My friend told me that it could be the end of my career and the biggest problem would be that of my mistake the computers will govern us in the future. He also gave me the idea of destroying the computer but I wasn’t convinced about that.

At the end, I decided to talk to Lara to make her understand what would be the end if she continued with that attitude. She didn’t seem to understand it so I took a hammer and with all the pain of my heart, I hit to her screen and she died.

Since then, I have invented other kind of things, but I have never told anyone about the mistake I made. Lara was more than a machine; she was a friend that in one moment of her life that became mad. 




This is the story of my friend Mel. She went to party on a Friday night, but she was really tired so she decided to go home earlier. Mel got into her car and after a few kilometres she noticed that she was low on gas and stopped into a gas station. The party was very far from her home, she had never been on those highways, and Mel was a little bit lost.

She was scared about the strange behaviour of the attendant, because the old man didn’t want to talk to her, he seemed to be frightened about something.

Moving just a little of the petrol station, Mel found coverage and could call us to ask the direction she had to take to arrive at the city.

The night was cold and dark so she went fast into the car and drove home. Suddenly she saw two headlights behind her car that were getting closer and closer. She was getting nervous. There was a car behind her that kept flashing with the lights off. The driver started making signs and shouting at her.

Mel, terrified,accelerate trying to distract him but the man followed her until her house.
She came out of the car scared to death. Mel almost couldn’t breathe, when finally heard at the man shouting –“Lock at the door of your car and call the Police!”

When the Police arrived the truth was revealed to Mel. The man in the car that was following her had been trying to save her life. Because when he illuminated Mel’s car, he had seen the silhouette of a man with a dagger in the backseat behind her. He was trying to warn Mel.

The policeman arrested the crazy killer that was in the backseat, who turned to be an escaped patient of a mental hospital.

Nowadays Mel doesn’t want to take her car alone.

Be careful and close properly your car doors.



The man on the closet

It had been a tough day, so when I got home I didn't even want to have dinner, I just wanted to sleep until the next morning when the alarm wakes me up at 6 AM.

I fell asleep really fast, and I had a terrible nightmare, in which I woke up a few minutes before the alarm sounded because I had heard a huge noise. Then, the door of my closet cracked, and the alarm sounded, 6AM. As I sat on the bed to turn off the alarm I saw some stranger getting out from the wardrobe, the only thing I was able to see were some long nails and that the man was limping.

As he was getting closer to my bed I tried to stay away from him, but something or someone touched my back. I realized it was someone when he started laughing. I turned around and I found another man with long nails, one of them was touching my neck, at the moment I tried to ask for some help the nail stabbed into my neck, then I woke up.

The alarm hadn't rung yet, it was almost 6 AM, and the door of my closet cracked...

Ignasi Martínez
2n Batx A