Thursday, March 15, 2018

Projecte CASA ÀSIA: "THE PICKY COW" Joana, Mar, Mònica and Alba (2nd ESO)


Once upon a time, a cow called Lulu was eating on a prairie, when a snake came to talk to her.

The snake asked:

- Can I be your friend?

And the cow answered:

- No, you can't, you are very fast!

The snake, so sad, went away. The cow continued eating.  Suddenly, a funny ant appeared in the grass. The ant, very excited, asked the cow:

- Hi cow, I was wondering if you could be my friend.

The cow said:

- Of course not! You are so tiny! Go away!

The ant, crying, kept walking.

After that, a monkey that look very sad, started eating with her. The cow, so surprised, said:

- What are you doing here eating my grass?

The monkey answered:

- Up, on the trees, I feel alone and I'm so bored. I hope you can be my friend.

Obviously, the cow said:

- Let me think.... NO! You are stupid!

An hour later, the cow was walking through the forest when she saw a group of animals laughing together. They were the animals that she had met before.

She thought that they were having a good time so she asked if she could be their friend:

- Let us think .... of course! You can! But think what you have said to us before!!


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