Saturday, April 28, 2018

KET - PET May exams (1r ESO, 2n ESO )

This is the group of  our 1st and 2nd ESO students that yesterday took the speaking part of their Cambridge exam. 
Next week they have to rest. 
We wish good luck to all of them!

Thursday, April 19, 2018


Once again, we want to congratulate 
our 2nd BATX students that finish school with their FCE or CAE certificate of the 
Cambridge exams.

They have worked hard and they've got their good results. 


And we want to wish good luck to the ones taking the exams now in May, sure they will do well!

KET - PET - FCE ( March exams )

This year so far we have some students that have already taken their Cambridge exams.

2nd ESO ones have passed
 their KET (A2) - PET (B1) 

And 4th ESO ones, the FCE (B2)

There is a big group 
taking their exams now in May, 
we wish them good luck 
and we'll inform you about their results.


STRIVE FOR  progress NOT  perfection

I have taken this quote because apart from being my favorite one, it also has lot of sense.

It says you have to work hard and give it all to improve and progress in your life to enjoy it and do what you want in a future and also to help your friends in their problems, because if you don’t work hard you won’t pass the obstacles in life and you won’t enjoy it either.

Remember, if you work hard, don’t do it to receive something in return, or to make your parents happy, you only have to work hard to be happy yourself and to have a better future.

But the most important part that says the quote, is that you don’t have to focus on being perfect and being the best in you class, in your group of friends… because if you focus only in that you are the best, you won’t see what is happening in the present and you will have lots of problems in life.

Also you won’t have friends if you don’t focus on them and you only think in yourself, and also if you try always to be centre of attention.


You only have to be yourself and work hard to have a better life and not to be the best.

2nd ESO